HFP Community welcomes Sachin Gupta: Co-ordinator, APDC, Jan 2015
The Himalayan Farm Project is happy to welcome Sachin Gupta, a video artist from Bangalore and Delhi to help us co-ordinate the upcoming applied permaculture design course in January.
"The love and closeness that I feel for nature has brought me to HFP and I hope the time here will be an agent of growth in our collective environmental understanding and development. I am on the move across India in search of an existence where I can live life without impacting my surroundings adversely. With awareness and the consciousness that is naturally present in all of us I endeavour to make my time on earth fruitful and resourceful and hope to bring people together in realising the collective impact that we may have on the physical world that we sense and the individual experiences that we feel.
Through the Himalayan Farm Project I will be co-ordinating the Permaculture Design Courses in January, to help you know more about our community, the location, the courses on offer and most importantly to make friends and bonds for our collective growth as aware human-beings.
Please view my work below and I hope to meet you soon!"
ninebysixteen on Vimeo
ninebysixteen on Behance