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Upcoming Projects and Other Initiatives

- Forest Projects and contribution to climate change

- Bee-keeping

- Surveying agricultural produce in the area and setting up a marketing platform

- Working towards organic certification of the farm and local farmers

- Preparing Educational Material: Visuals, Documents & Videos

- Co-ordinating with different schools, colleges, institutions, organizations and resource person.

- Maintaining the stone paved path leading up to the farm


Running Projects

- Fencing gardens.

- Clearing and preparing the fields for planting

- Planting and building the soil

- Extending our seed bank

- Extending our Library

- Fund-raising

- Repairing of water channel/canal for irrigation

- Repairing old stone and mud house.


Almost after a gap of one year farm is again functional since 29-11-2017.

 Basic things needed to be done to make farm functional finally completed like

- Cleaning of wild grass from fields and boundary

- Cleaning and fixing house, living hall, basement, washing old blanket for upcoming volunteers

- Stone path around the farm

- Cleaning beds, composting soil and mulching.

- Painting kitchen, wooden parts, metal boxes

- Reinstalling all the wires and new solar connections for electricity.

- Planting and transplanting.

- Connection with Department of Forestry in Uttarakahnd, GB Pant Institute Almora and local people near by villages

© 2018 by Himalayan Farm Project

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